Notice and Takedown Policy
The Trust is committed to protecting copyright and related rights wherever possible.
Although all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that content that infringes the law will not be present on our website or in publications, the possibility cannot be entirely eliminated. A variety of measures are taken to minimise and manage risk including publication and implementation of this ‘notice and takedown’ policy.
The Trust has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that images and other content on our website and images we have published elsewhere are reproduced with the consent of their copyright holders. However, there are some copyright holders who so far have proved to be untraceable.
Upon initial verification of a complaint, it is our policy to suspend access to the content in question, while a final determination is reached.
Copyright notification
If you have reason to believe material infringes copyright, please email our Data Protection Officer ( with the following: Your Name, Email Address, and telephone number; the website address (URL) where you found the suspect work; a description of the nature of the complaint and basis; a statement that you are the copyright holder or are authorised to act on behalf of the rights holder. The Trust will endeavour to acknowledge a copyright notification within 14 days of receipt.